
Linux PPTP 连接数限制

Linux 搭建PPTP Server连接超过100个后,就再无法拨号成功了。

查看log 发现有以下信息:

# logread |grep -v "GRE"
Nov 20 11:17:13 pptpd[21132]: CTRL: Received PPTP Control Message (type: 5)
Nov 20 11:17:13 pptpd[21132]: CTRL: Made a ECHO RPLY packet
Nov 20 11:17:13 pptpd[21132]: CTRL: I wrote 20 bytes to the client.
Nov 20 11:17:13 pptpd[21132]: CTRL: Sent packet to client


#man pptpd.conf

connections n
	limits  the  number  of client connections that may be accepted.
	If pptpd is allocating IP addresses (e.g.  delegate is not used)
	then  the  number of connections is also limited by the remoteip
	option.  The default is 100.


PPTP Server 最大连接数,是connections和地址池数量一起控制的,connections默认是100,导致无法连接更多。
connections 1000